Lane Ranch
Crypress Trails Drive : Polk City, FL 33868
Polk County, Florida
Farm Description
This is a beautiful ranch with very good recreational opportunities. The barn is used for equipment and supply storage. It has a large living area with a bathroom. The very large screen room at the rear of the barn has an outdoor kitchen with sink and refrigerator. There is also an elevated observation deck on the rear of the barn overlooking one of the ponds and the woods where a game feeder is located. The ranch has three large ponds, one on the west side of the tract and two near the barn site. The properties to the north, east, and west all have conservation easements and this ranch will enjoy protected views into perpetuity. The ranch also has a potential secondary access via the private road at the northwest corner of the tract. The private road connects to Moore Road to the west. A large horse training area is located to the south of the barn.