3349.1+/- Acre Meyer Ranch
Walsenburg, CO 81089
Huerfano County, Colorado
Shown by Appointment Only
Farm Description
This property uniquely sits between two high bluffs, with Bradford Mesa on the north and a gravel ridge extension of Walsen Craig on the south. The Sand Arroyo is a long drainage entering the property from the west, that collects a lot of run-offs from the foothills.
There are excellent views of the mountains, from Fishers Peak at Raton Pass northward to Pikes Peak west of Colorado Springs. Literally half of the front range of Colorado can be seen from the high points on this property. Part of the west boundary is the railroad and part of the east boundary is County Road 120, with no other roads or interruptions in the ownership. There are remnants of several 1800'S vintage adobe dwellings and a settler's graveyard located on the property.
The privacy and solitude, along with antelope and other wildlife, are part of the character of this unique property. The property is utilized exclusively for grazing and has areas of Chico brush, Chamisa, Tamarisk and Willows in the lower regions and solid grass turf in the elevated areas. Sand Arroyo traverses the property from west to east with areas that water pools surface and underflow is evident. There is evidence of Alkali on land surfaces near the arroyo and fresh water is important in warm weather to avoid the salty surface water if present.
Best management practices for the property are targeted on cooler seasons and after plants have cured out. Year around grazing could be accommodated with repairing the cross fencing.
Farm Maps & Attachments
Directions to Farm
From Walsenburg, drive 5 miles east on Colorado Highway 10 to CR 20, go north on CR 120 for 1 mile, drive across the cattle guard.
More Farm Details
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