Baldface Mountain Forest
Frankling, NY 12989
Franklin County, New York
Farm Description
Located in the northcentral section of the Adirondack Park, Baldface Mountain Forest is surrounded by Forever Wild State Land with a deeded access point touching the paved, year-round maintained County Route 26. From the land's clearing an incredible view of the nearby Baldface Mountain peak and associated rock outcroppings unfolds offering direct access to this scenic landmark. The property also holds a private pond near its center for paddling, fishing, and swimming options.
Farm Maps & Attachments
Directions to Farm
From Loon Lake to the south, head 8.7 miles north along County Route 26 8.7 miles and the property driveway and gate will be on the left.
From Route 30 at the Duane Fire Department (address is 172 County Route 26, Malone, NY) head 8.7 miles south along County Route 26 and the property driveway and gate will be on your right.
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