Early 1800'S Family Farm
Tracs 14 Trent's Chapel & Stoney Fork Rd : Sneedville, TN 37869
Hancock County, Tennessee

Farm Description
Early 1820'S Family Farm. This farm was acquired back near 1820 by one of the early settlers who served in the war of 1816. Through the generations the family worked hard clearing the trees and rocks. They created grazing and farming land in the some of the higher elevations of the Appalachian mountains of NE Tennessee and have worked the farm since then. It is a beautiful propety that has serviced grazing cattle for generations. It is being offered in this venue to provide a window of opportunity to anyone seeking the whole of what this property has to offer. It may be perfect for a single owner homestead or farm but may also appeal to a family seeking to reside together on the same land in separate residences on a larger shared farm. Resently the property has been surveyed and divided into four distinct tracts. The individual tracts are being offered separately for sale.
Tr 1 consists of 48.08 acres and holds the highest elevation on the land. A wet weather creek lays down in the bottom of the woods in the draw. This tract, as all the others, is almost all cleared for grazing. There are sections of attractive woods that remain, which create privacy divisions between the properties.
TR 2 consists of 33.33 acres and is adjacent to TR 1, on its east side of the draw. TR 3 is a smaller tract of 14 acres, adjacent to TR 2 to the east. Tracts 1, 2, & 3, all front on Trent's Chapel Rd, and each of these have their own private driveway entrances.
TR 3 is 14.00 acres and features mature trees and two sizeable fields that are lined by woods along its north and east boundaries.
TR 4 Under Contingent Contract consists of 17.4 acres. It lays along the southern boundary of TR 2. It is 17.4 acres and fronts on Stoney Fork Rd, which runs its entire length. This is an unusual piece in that it is almost all in grasses. It is truly expansive, rectangular in shape. The perimeter is fenced and it is cross-fenced throught the middle. TR 4 has been removed from the offering due to the contingent contract. The list price has been adjusted to include Tracts 1,2 & 3.
All OF The Individual Properties have gently rolling hills and truly gorgeous views of the land itself and of near and far forested mountains on three sides. There is a great sense of privacy on each of these properties. Care was applied when making the divisions to keep privacy intact between them. All of the fields and its many potential homesites are broad and expansive under clear open skies, with exceptional vistas to behold. All of them have existing cross section and some perimeter fencing. A shared well currently keeps watering stations filled that are also on TR 2 & 4. The tracts are being offered separately and will be removed from this offering as they are sold. For this reason, if this is the type of property you are seeking, it might be prudent to give it some immediate attention. I have attached several documents which should help to visualize all of what has been described here. The propety is not restricted, nor is it subject any zoning. There is a grazing contract with a local cattle farmer that terminates on July 31, 2024. However a buyer may be able to continue this arrangement for a additional periods of time if desired. The well was installed by the seller, who owns a farm on the other side of Trent Chapel Rd. This has been a good well and serves watering stations on both sides. For this reason the seller will retain rights to the well into perpetuity, or until relinquished. But there's no worry about the water because the well will convey to the purchaser of TR 1 to be used for a house well and other purposes, and for the two watering stations on that are on that tract. Any other watering stations on the same side of the road as TR 1, which are not owned by the purchaser of TR 1 will be disconnected and capped. The wet weather spring in the draw of TR 1 naturallly flows out beyond the boundaries of this property into an adjacent land owner's property who therefore, also has rights to the wet weather spring.