618 Acres, Box Butte County
Alliance, NE 69301
Box Butte County, Nebraska
Farm Description
This is a unique opportunity to own a hunting paradise. This 618-Acre piece has been highly developed for many years into a successful hunting preserve. The owner has decided to retire. This is a premier recreation paradise that pays for itself. The existing pivot could be the source of income to pay for all birds, food plots, and management to say the least. Extensive matured habitat attracts a lot of game. There's currently an abundance of wild pheasants on the premises, plus add to that the augmentation of gamebirds throughout the season and you have a bird hunters paradise. It has been run as a controlled shooting area which means you can hunt from September 1 to March 31 and hunt with no limits. All of this can all be paid for from the income of the pivot, in addition, there is 1 mile of Box Butte creek running through the property. It is a warm water creek and attracts a great deal of waterfowl throughout the season, with two high quality duck blinds that are more than a half mile apart. Add to that trophy mule deer and Whitetail deer and you have an extremely unique piece of property that truly cannot be matched anywhere in the state of Nebraska. To follow is an estimated income and expense showing the potential of the pivot. By planting the food plot strips each year it attracts all the game in the area. The food plots, of course, would not be harvested and would be left for the wildlife. That's what makes this property so appealing to upland birds, waterfowl, and big game such as mule deer and Whitetail. The Owner has developed an exceptional addition to the property with a 5 acre area flooded with millet to attract waterfowl and other animals by installing an 8 buried pipe to the field to supply water to that spot. Agent note-Ice eaters could be installed for excellent hunting through the entire season along the Box Butte Creek that runs east and west across the property. The late spring rain has changed the looks of the property drastically. The food plots on the farms are awesome, the tree rows are outstanding with new growth. The nesting pheasants will soon be out with chicks as well as fawns from whitetail and mule deer. Agent note-The owner has trapped predators extensively for 15 years promoting wildlife survival. Income 110 pivot acres $230/Acre $25,300 CRP Payment $6,896 + $2,157 $9,053 $150/Ton or $19,500 $100/Bale Total Gross Income $53,853 Expenses Pivot maintenance $2,000 Insurance $2,000 Liability $1,500 Real Estate Taxes $8,531 Total expenses $14,031 Total Net Income $25,791 Legal Description All S33 T27n R47w of the 6th P.M. Box Butte County, NE Taxes $8,531.92 Address Alliance, NE 69301 County Box Butte
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