71 Acres Winona County, MN
Denzer Road : Minnesota City, MN 55959
Winona County, Minnesota
Shown by Appointment Only
Farm Description
This Winona county property features ultra-secluded ridge top food plots with incredible views of the Mississippi River. This parcel is part of one of the largest unbroken sections in Southeastern MN with nearly 9 square miles with no through roads. The combination of ridgetop fields and wooded valleys in nearly every direction offer world class wildlife habitat. The immediate surrounding area has a long standing reputation of holding incredibly high numbers of deer and some giant bucks. The terrain includes points, valleys, benches and all sorts of nooks & crannies for game to hide out. The timber is a mix of oak, hickory, maple, walnut & aspen. Just 4 miles Northwest of Winona, 34 miles from Lacrosse and 40 miles from Rochester. Not suitable for a dwelling and will need some excavation work for vehicular access.
Farm Maps & Attachments
Directions to Farm
From Winona take Hwy 61 North to Hwy 248 to Denzer Rd. Access to the property is off the end of Denzer Rd.
More Farm Details
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