24 Acres Tallapoosa County, AL
Churchill Road : Camp Hill, AL 36850
Tallapoosa County, Alabama
Farm Description
Located just minutes from Reeltown, AL, this 24 +/- acres is off Churchill Road in Tallapoosa Co. AL. This tract has a large amount of frontage on Saugahatchee Creek. It is made up of a thinned pine stand and a very nice broad hardwood Smz. There is also a smaller creek on the property. This would make a great place to put a home or just own as a great recreational tract. It is only 30 minutes from Auburn as well.
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95 AC : $950K
7 AC : $500K
56 AC : $310K
40 AC : $215K
12 AC : $110K
14 AC : $170K
5 AC : $75K
95 AC : $340K
5 AC : $34.9K