It finally clicked— the "what" I wanted to do with my many years of management/marketing experience and how to marry that with the love of the outdoors. Land investing is the perfect way to find treasures of land and figure out what the best end use is for the land. It's all about finding the best solutions for people so they can own and enjoy land. Every lot brings a new set of circumstances and challenges. Bring 'em on! Land Sandbox works through all of these to make the end buyer VERY happy.
Get away from the busy city and enjoy peace and quiet on this flat 11.1-Acre property in Snowflake, Apache County, AZ. With open space, fresh air, and wide desert skies, this is a great spot to start a homestead or settle into off-grid living. Property Features: Mobile Homes Allowed : Set up a...
END OF Year Savings. 5 acre Dream Property - Savings End Soon. Decorate the Trees on this Gorgeous Property for Christmas - 5 Acres in Northern AZ is waiting for You... Your spiritual retreat is here. Leave the light pollution in the city behind and pitch your tent on your OWN 5 Acres in Apache...