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Ray Therault : Land Equities Inc

Pro Farm Seller
Ray Therault @ Land Equities Inc

Hi, We are Ray and Beth Therault and together we own Land Equities Inc, a family owned and operated land investment company based in beautiful Southern Oregon. We bought our first property here in 1997 and have been in love with land and nature ever since. We specialize in finding rural vacant land and acreage all over the US at huge discounts and passing the savings on to you. We are NOT real estate agents, nor are we affiliated with any real estate agencies. We help people find their dream property or investment property at affordable prices. Please reach out to us if you are looking for a specific property, we will do what we can to help you find it. We buy and sell land everyday and are here to help you find a great property at a great price. All our properties come with INSTANT EQUITY!

Off Roader & Miners Paradise : Barstow : San Bernardino County : California

Cash price: $19,995 or just $299 /month owner financed. Buy or finance this property today through our land website link below. Check out this amazing 20 acre property in the mountains near Barstow, CA. Very secluded and private location, no one will find you up here. This is the perfect place to...

New20 Acres : $19,995

Off Roader & Miners Paradise

San Bernardino Co : California

Escape To Your Own Secluded 5 Acres : Sprague River : Klamath County : Oregon

h price: $12,995 or just $249 /month owner financed. Buy or finance this property today through our land website link below. Escape to your own 5 acre property in Sprague River. Super secluded location with plenty of privacy, surrounded by nature. This beautiful property has amazing views in every...

New5 Acres : $12,995

Escape To Your Own Secluded 5 Acres

Sprague River : Klamath Co : OR