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Goodwater Alabama Clearcut Farms for Sale

Liberty Road 7 Acres : Goodwater : Clay County : Alabama

This 7 acres is located on Liberty Rd in the Southernmost part of Clay County AL. It is all wooded with a pine stand that is ready to be thinned or cleared for your future homesite. This property offers an excellent potential homesite that is secluded in the country but close enough to town. This...

New7 Acres : $52,500

Liberty Road 7 Acres

Goodwater : Clay Co : Alabama

Southeastern Land Group

6 Acres Liberty Rd : Goodwater : Clay County : Alabama

This 6 acres is located on Liberty Rd in the Southernmost part of Clay County AL. It is all wooded with a pine stand that is ready to be thinned or cleared for your future homesite.This property offers an excellent potential homesite that is secluded in the country but close enough to town. This...

New6 Acres : $45,000

6 Acres Liberty Rd

Goodwater : Clay Co : Alabama

Southeastern Land Group

Lockwood Lands, Hunt, Build, Invest : Goodwater : Tallapoosa County : Alabama

$$ Sold $$ • Lockwood Lands - Excellent rural Homesite with good Hunting and Timber near Alex City and Goodwater. • POWER and Public Water (Hackneyville W.A.) are available. • Pretty stream runs seasonally. • NATURAL Timber age 30+/-: Pines and a variety of hardwood species • Several grassy food...

Sold33 Acres

Lockwood Lands, Hunt, Build, Invest

Goodwater : Tallapoosa Co : AL

Tom Brickman : Cyprus Partners

Southeastern Land Group

Spencer Loveless