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Faulkner County Arkansas Conservation Farms for Sale

605 Row Crop Acres With Recreat : Conway : Faulkner County : Arkansas

This combination of 605 +/- acres, all wrapped up in 1 listing. For the 485 +/- Row Crop Acres Farming in the Arkansas River Valley has constantly challenged farmers. This is one of the reasons why the prices for row crop land have lagged in value compared to other parts of Arkansas. Prices for...

605 Acres : $3,399,000

605 Row Crop Acres With Recreat

Conway : Faulkner Co : Arkansas

Mossy Oak Properties Strawberry River Land and Homes

485 Row Crop Acres, Grain Stora : Conway : Faulkner County : Arkansas

Farming in the Arkansas River Valley has always been a challenge for farmers. This is one of the reasons why the prices for row crop land have lagged in value compared to other parts of Arkansas. Prices for farmgrounds in midwest states have gone as high as $30,000 per acre and part of Arkansas, as...

485 Acres : $2,617,500

485 Row Crop Acres, Grain Stora

Conway : Faulkner Co : Arkansas

Mossy Oak Properties Strawberry River Land and Homes