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Boone Colorado Farms for Sale

40 Acres in Pueblo County, CO : Boone : Pueblo County : Colorado

Dollar Land Store offers this 40 Acre parcel which is located near County Lane Road, 13 Miles from the town of Boone and 37 miles East of Pueblo. This property is zoned A-1 (Agricultural 1) and has power lines running through the property. With no covenants, and no Hoa, a new owner can take this...

40 Acres : $49,900

40 Acres in Pueblo County, CO

Boone : Pueblo Co : Colorado

Ross Amato : Dollar Land Store

Windover Waterfowl Ranch : Boone : Pueblo County : Colorado

The perfect Waterfowl and Whitetail deer hunting and recreational property with 1 and 1/3 mile of Arkansas River Frontage, and numerous sloughs and duck ponds. Land 456 acres of river bottom on the Arkansas River. Perfectly set up with stocked ponds, waterfowl blinds. Open areas, brushy areas and...

456 Acres : $2,499,000

Windover Waterfowl Ranch

Boone : Pueblo Co : Colorado

Hayden Outdoors

Doolin Farm Property for Sale : Boone : Pueblo County : Colorado

Location: 107.15 acres located in the S1/2Nw1/4 and N1/2Sw1/4 of Section 35, Township 21 South, Range 61 West of the 6th P.M. Surveyed into three parcels as follows: Parcel 3 - 36.03 acres Parcel 4 - 35.87 acres Parcel 5 - 35.03 acres All three parcels (3, 4, and 5) are surveyed, and the survey is...

107.15 Acres : $154,471

Doolin Farm Property for Sale

Boone : Pueblo Co : Colorado

Cruikshank Realty, Inc.

49.5 Acres Near Boone, CO for Sale : Boone : Pueblo County : Colorado

The property benefits from an adjudicated irrigation well under Case No. W-1190, dated March 19, 1973, recognized as Irrigation Well Boone No. 9. Its Priority Date traces back to December 31, 1948, enabling a flow rate of 2.222 cubic feet per second (c.f.s.) or 1,000 gallons per minute (g.p.m.)...

Sold49.50 Acres

49.5 Acres Near Boone, CO for Sale

Boone : Pueblo Co : Colorado

Cruikshank Realty, Inc.