Discover timberland investing with this 118 acre property in Washington County, FL. Boasting a diverse array of timber features, including 79.2 acres of 2009 planted loblolly pines, 32.9+/- acres of established 2002 planted longleaf pines, and 5.9 acres of hardwoods. This tract offers ecological...
This property has been managed for timber production for many years the timber is well stocked and managed. Tract composition includes Premerchantable stands, ranging from 4-10 years old containing 327 acres. 47 acres of merchantable pine timber 122.5 acres old borrow pits from Interstate 10...
This is a well-managed Timber/Recreation tract located in Southeast Washington County, Florida. The property consists of various age classes of planted Longleaf, Slash and Loblolly pine as well as creek bottoms and drains containing Hardwood and Natural pine. For the sportsman, the game population...