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Highlands County Florida Crop Farms for Sale

83 Acres on Snyder Road Sebring : Sebring : Highlands County : Florida

The site is approximately 84 acres that was previously farmed for citrus. This would make a fun weekend retreat to escape traffic and congestion. Escape from your current hum drum life and come to exciting Sebring and enjoy the 12 hours of Sebring endurance race and all the fun that surrounds it....

New83 Acres : $1,670,200

83 Acres on Snyder Road Sebring

Sebring : Highlands County : FL

Saunders Real Estate

Kenilworth 35 : Sebring : Highlands County : Florida

This property is 35.18 acres located on Kenilworth Boulevard, just minutes from downtown Sebring. Located on the property is a diesel power unit on a 10" well along with an abandoned 10' electric well. These wells along with the Astatula Sand soils, would be conducive to grow most any crops. With...

35.18 Acres : $549,000

Kenilworth 35

Sebring : Highlands County : FL

Saunders Real Estate

200 Acre Lonesome Grove, Highlands : Lake Placid : Highlands County : Florida

Rare farming opportunity for purchase of 200 acres of highly productive Bassinger fine sand along with minor amounts of Kaliga, Tequesta and Hicoria muck. This farm is currently a grove. Its history is very high production of Hamlin and Valencia oranges. It is an excellent prospect also for a...

Sold200 Acres

200 Acre Lonesome Grove, Highlands

Lake Placid : Highlands Co : FL

Crosby & Associates, Inc