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Adairsville Georgia Timber Farms for Sale

Trimble Hollow Tract +/- 262 Acres : Adairsville : Gordon County : Georgia

Located less than 4 miles from Adairsville and 9 miles from Calhoun this Gordon County Georgia tract is a professionally managed timber land property. Tract is composed of 9-year-old Planted Pine and Natural Merchantable Mixed Pine and Hardwood Areas. The property is conveniently located between...

261.96 Acres : $1,178,820

Trimble Hollow Tract +/- 262 Acres

Adairsville : Gordon Co : GA

Todd Anderson : Johnson Land

Rodgers Road Tract +/- 44 Acres : Adairsville : Gordon County : Georgia

The Rodgers Road Tract is located 4 miles from Adairsville, GA this Gordon County tract is a professionally managed timber land property. Tract is fully stocked with Merchantable Pine Plantation and Mature Natural Hardwood Areas. Planted Pine was thinned in 2024. The property is conveniently...

44.47 Acres : $222,350

Rodgers Road Tract +/- 44 Acres

Adairsville : Gordon Co : GA

Todd Anderson : Johnson Land

Johnson Land

Todd Anderson