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Lasalle Parish Louisiana Clearcut Farms for Sale

Palmetto Branch Tract, LA Salle Par : Jena : Lasalle Parish : Louisiana

Property ID Lalasair233 Have you been looking for an excellent hunting property with built in equity This is it. This tract is located 5 miles East of the Jena city limits and can be accessed via Palmetteo Branch Rd. You'll find cleared trails and shooting lanes perfect for deer hunting. Greens...

233.28 Acres : $641,520

Palmetto Branch Tract, LA Salle Par

Jena : Lasalle Par : Louisiana

Funnuhlooee 54 : Olla : Lasalle Parish : Louisiana

Property ID Lalasasb54 The Funnuhlooee 54 is a unique and versatile property located on highway 126 in North East Lasalle Parish. With over 2300 feet of road frontage, this rural acreage is a great option for both recreation and future homesite. The mixed timber and 6-8 year old cutover transitions...

54.22 Acres : $165,000

Funnuhlooee 54

Olla : Lasalle Par : Louisiana

Southeastern Land Group

Poultry South Team