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Winn Parish Louisiana Timber Farms for Sale

Blundell Dodson Tract, Winn Parish : Dodson : Winn Parish : Louisiana

Looking for an isolated hunting ecreational property for you and your family to enjoy The Blundell Dodson Tract, consisting of 137 acres +/-, provides exceptional opportunities for hunting and recreation due to diverse habitat for multiple wildlife species as well as future revenues from future...

137 Acres : $255,300

Blundell Dodson Tract, Winn Parish

Dodson : Winn Par : Louisiana

26 Ac Hunting Tract Near Kisatchie : Montgomery : Winn Parish : Louisiana

26 +/- ac Recreation and Timber Tract near Kisatchie National Forest in Winn Parish, La. This 26+/- acre tract consists of a 7-year-old pine plantation on approximately 20 acres with the remaining acreage in hardwood along a tributary of small beaver ponds spurring from Indian Creek. Being spring...

Sold26 Acres

26 Ac Hunting Tract Near Kisatchie

Montgomery : Winn Parish : LA

RecLand Realty, LLC

130 Ac, Timberland & Hunting : Sikes : Winn Parish : Louisiana

130 +/- acre Timber and Recreation tract with deeded access near Sikes in Winn Parish, La. This property contains a nice mix of recreation paired with future potential for revenue from several different age timber stands. The property contains a deeded access to the northern half of the tract off...

Sold130 Acres

130 Ac, Timberland & Hunting

Sikes : Winn Parish : Louisiana

RecLand Realty, LLC

Brown Realty Co.

Jerry Brown