This property is available as a whole and as three separate parcels. Here is a very good Sheridan County Farm in three parcels, located South of Gordon, NE. There is a total of 1,434 acres. All the parcels have stockwells to utilize fall and winter grazing. This farm has been well cared for, with a...
This property is also available as Sheridan County Farms Parcel 1 474.16 acres 462.01 dry cropland 12.15 acres grass $493 crp payment ending in 2035 Taxes $2338.12 Here is a very nice 462 acres of farmland. It has a CRP payment of $493 annually until 2035. This is a good farm located just south of...
This property is also available as Sheridan County Farms Parcel 2 801.29 total acres 749.18 dry cropland 18.11 acres grass 34 acres road & waste 25 acres crp, payment of $830/Yr till 2035 Taxes $3863.88 This is a good farm with 749 acres of dryland farmground. There is a stockwell located on the...