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Franklin County New York Undeveloped Farms for Sale

Kary Mountain Forest : Duane : Franklin County : New York

Introduction: The property offers a long-term timber investment opportunity dominated by older sugar maple and black cherry species composition. Immediate income opportunity is available from forest thinning or future value can be stored on the “stump” allowing the forest to continue to store...

152 Acres : $300,000

Kary Mountain Forest

Duane : Franklin Co : New York

Thom Milke : Fountains Land

Route 30 Parcel : Duane : Franklin County : New York

The land is situated along Route 30 in the northcentral section of New York's Adirondack Park. Nearby is the western block of the Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, a large wilderness within the Park. Regionally, the surrounding landscape is characterized by undeveloped forestland however locally, the...

38 Acres : $50,000

Route 30 Parcel

Duane : Franklin Co : New York

Thom Milke : Fountains Land

Fountains Land

Thom Milke