If you are looking for that dual property this is the ideal one. The property is 50 open. With 520 acres, you have plenty of hunting opportunities and enough open acreage to run cattle to offset some of the cost. It currently is running approximately 75 head of cattle. Native grasses and 2 ponds....
West 280 Acres Ranch And Recreational Property. 65 Open 2 Ponds Open For Running Approximately 60 Head OF Cattle. Barn With SET OF Older Pens. Electric Along Couty Road. Fenced ON 3 Sides. North END HAS Woods For Those Deer TO Hide. SET UP A Feeder And Stand And Wait For Them TO Come Out. Enough...
Contact Don Vansickle Agent/ Avid Hunter @. 240 Acres OF Recreational Hunting Property. 40 Open. Fenced ON Three Sides. ON North END OF Property IS A Habitat For Those Buck, Where YOU CAN PUT UP A Feeder And Deer Stand TO SIT And Wait For That Big One. Deep Draws With Large Timber IS Also ON THe...
Call Michael Daniels Broker & Avid Hunter @ for more information or to go take a look. Bow Hunting Season I upon us already, so take a look at this 120 Acre Prime hidden treasure nestled among the large thriving cattle ranches, making this an incredible rare recreational find. Nestled a mist the...