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Custer County Oklahoma Farming Farms for Sale

160+/- Acres of Farm / Grassland : Ok : Custer County : Oklahoma

This productive 160 Acre property located in rural, western Oklahoma provides a great opportunity to expand your current farming operation, begin a farming/ranching operation or own a quiet, getaway acreage. A seasonal/runoff stream runs through the middle of the property. Electrical service and a...

160 Acres : $395,000

160+/- Acres of Farm / Grassland

Ok : Custer County : Oklahoma

160 Acres of Crop and Grass Land : Putnam : Custer County : Oklahoma

This productive 160 Acre property located in rural, western Oklahoma provides a great opportunity to expand your current farming operation, begin a farming/ranching operation or own a quiet, getaway acreage. A seasonal/runoff stream runs through the middle of the property. Electrical service and a...

160 Acres : $395,000

160 Acres of Crop and Grass Land

Putnam : Custer Co : Oklahoma

Classic Country Land

Bailey Springer