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Texas Nursery Farms for Sale

Sandy Creek : Huntsville : Walker County : Texas

Beautifully secluded 3221 sq ft home on approximately 173+ acres by Sam Houston National Forest w/ Tree Farm and Nursery, 3-Acre Pond & Creek 20 miles N. of Montgomery & Lake Conroe. Nursery was a successful 34-year wholesale grower of 15-200 gallon container-grown trees. Great opportunity to start...

173 Acres : $2,495,000

Sandy Creek

Huntsville : Walker Co : Texas

Jacobs Properties

Socagee Creek : Galloway : Panola County : Texas

Introduction: Socagee Creek is a historic industry timberland tract being offered for the first time to the general public as a multi-use recreational and timber tract. The property offers planted pine plantations in the upland areas and dropping down to the banks of historic Socagee Creek....

114 Acres : $383,153

Socagee Creek

Galloway : Panola Co : Texas

F&W Forestry Services

Elegment Land

Andrew Finger