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Utah Agriculture Farms for Sale

330 Acres in Lapoint, Utah : Lapoint : Uintah County : Utah

330 acres of bliss. The Iorg Farm is a top tier northeastern Utah ranch that includes 125 acres of production ground located in the Lapoint area. The arm produces 600 tons of alfalfa annually with excellent water rights. There are 160 shares of the Moffat water canal and 100 acres of the green...

330 Acres : $2,697,000

330 Acres in Lapoint, Utah

Lapoint : Uintah County : Utah

Hayden Outdoors

Diamond J Ranch : Wellsville : Cache County : Utah

Situated in a quiet region of the Cache Valley, the Diamond J represents one of the largest undeveloped properties at the eastern base of the Wellsville Mountains. Known for its strong production of agricultural and dairy products, the Cache Valley boasts lush green pastures, a great sense of...

185 Acres : $5,500,000

Diamond J Ranch

Wellsville : Cache Co : Utah

Ken Mirr : Mirr Ranch Group

Land Supplier

Robert Vaughan