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Colorado 81044 Farms for Sale

Pure Cycle Farm for Sale : Hasty : Bent County : Colorado

Deeded Acres: 697.76 Fsa Crop Acres: 603.56 Location: Tract 1: 2 miles north and 2 miles west of Wiley, CO on CRs RR & 35. Tract 2: At Hasty, CO one mile south of Hwy 50 on and east side of CR 24, South of CR Jj. Tract 3: At Hasty, CO 1 ¼ miles south of Hwy 50 on and west side of CR 24. Legal...

697.76 Acres : $348,880

Pure Cycle Farm for Sale

Hasty : Bent County : Colorado

Cruikshank Realty, Inc.

Level Up

Chris Baldorf